BEAMA launches Net-Zero by Design report
The Net Zero By Design report and an accompanying joint letter from pledge signatories warn that setting the net-zero target in legislation alone will not be enough to achieve net-zero. Investment in the low carbon sector to date has been impeded by the lack of stable and effective regulation, and national leadership is urgently needed to drive the rapid deployment of these technologies which will be crucial if the UK is to meet its international climate change commitments.
The report contains a list of policy recommendations on how the Government can spearhead growth in the electricity market and make the UK a world leader in new technology markets for smart flexible electrical systems – including more clarity about the future direction of regulation, reform of building regulations, a carbon price for heat, and reduced VAT for low carbon technologies.
The BEAMA report aligns closely with recommendations from the Committee on Climate Change, which published its own Net Zero paper arguing that while the technology is primed and ready to make this 2050 target feasible, it will only be reached through strong leadership from the Government.
You can read the BEAMAs full press release on their website where you can also download the full report.