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Generating value across the energy industry with the power of data
The smart, scalable green energy revolution with limitless potential
We’re stirring up an energy revolution in every home by bringing cost-effective energy efficiency to households, with SeeZero – our latest innovation.
It simultaneously cuts bills, reduces emissions and lowers fossil fuel dependence, while balancing the needs of household and grid.

Introducing SeeZero
Orchestrating the energy devices and systems in millions of homes, SeeZero makes smart, automated decisions, keeping more money in consumers’ pockets and reducing carbon.
SeeZero’s combination of in-home devices, AI and cloud capability, and its unique ability to be deployed at scale, mean millions of homes improve visibility and control of their energy consumption.
Why we're different
None of our competitors offer our scale or our access to it. With unparalleled home energy consumption intelligence from the rich stream of real-time data that comes from the smart meter, we can benefit consumers, suppliers, grid operators, and generators.
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