What makes Cosy the best smart heating gadget?
What makes Cosy the best smart heating gadget?
So what really does make Cosy the best smart heating gadget?
1. Heating? There’s an app for that
Heating has long been a complex, old-school, dusty kind of affair: controls tucked away in the dark, pages of instructions to navigate the choppy waters of scheduling and small beige boxes that no-one ever thought to make attractive.
But what if you had a simple, great looking app to deal with all that for you? Funny you should ask: here’s one we made earlier. Bye-bye beige boxes. Hello home heat elegance.
2. Your heating is all about you (of course)
Where does your thermostat live? Is it on a wall in a chilly hall? Out of the way somewhere? You’re not alone. For some reason the bit of kit that controls how much heat you have when watching hours of boxsets is located as far from your cosy zone as possible.
But when you say hello to Cosy, the mobile thermostat acts as a controller and moves around with you. That means the temperature you set will always be perfect where you are – whether that’s on the sofa, in the kitchen or tucked up in bed.
3. Our Cosy smart thermostat is gorgeous!
Feast your eyes on our limited edition premium Cosy displays. *swoon*
4. A smart thermostat is for life
Cosy works with your current heating system and isn’t a permanent installation that replaces anything you have now. If you want to take Cosy with you when you move on (and why wouldn’t you?), you can. The heating will simply revert to the system you have now. Which, when you’ve had Cosy, will seem hilariously quaint. Like swapping your iPhone 6 for a couple of yoghurt pots and some string.
5. Made by home energy experts
The team behind Cosy, Green Energy Options, began life as a tech start-up in Cambridge in 2006. Two people with big brains and big ideas (that’s Simon, Paddy and the rest of team geo below) took on energy management in the home and came up with a range of displays, online services and apps that make life more comfortable, convenient and efficient.
Cosy was the culmination of careful consumer research, several focus groups and real-home testing (Cosy: tested on humans). The result? A simple, intuitive heating controller with an app that means you can control your heating whether in, out or away.
6. Because a Cosy home is a flexible home
Been held up at work? Don’t waste precious fuel and heat – turn the heating off on the Cosy app. Returning home after a trip away? Boost your heating to make your arrival at home warm and welcoming. From your smartphone. At the airport. Tick.
7. Lights, camera, action!
Cosy uses Smart Plugs > Smart Plugs schedule appliances for you > you can come home to a bright, warm house. Come home to the warmest, brightest welcome home there is.
8. So much more than ‘on’ and ‘off’
There are four heating modes so your home heat reflects mood and lifestyle not just ins and outs. There’s Comfy (the temperature you like it to be when you’re at home), Cosy (for a heat boost), Slumber (for when you’re tucked up in bed) and Hibernate (off, but with frost protection in case there’s a cold snap). The Cosy team understand that life is about so much more than ‘on’ and ‘off’.
9. Cosy is, for a limited time, absolutely free
Cosy is smart, simple and beautiful. And, for a limited time, comes free with First Utility’s iControl tariff – including the installation. What are you waiting for?
2. Your heating is all about you (of course)
Where does your thermostat live? Is it on a wall in a chilly hall? Out of the way somewhere? You’re not alone. For some reason the bit of kit that controls how much heat you have when watching hours of boxsets is located as far from your cosy zone as possible.
But when you say hello to Cosy, the mobile thermostat acts as a controller and moves around with you. That means the temperature you set will always be perfect where you are – whether that’s on the sofa, in the kitchen or tucked up in bed.
This is a bit misleading. It implies that the smart thermostat works as a mobile thermostat. Whereas it actually gives you the temp of where your actual thermostat is situated not where the smart thermostat is. Therefore if your thermostat is in that ice cold corridor then the heater will never go off and you will be constantly boiling hot.
Posted by: Gary Peacock on 22 September 2016 at 10:25 am
Hi Gary. The thermometer is inside the portable Cosy Display itself. This means that as you move from room to room with your Cosy it will detect the different temperatures. This also means that if the room you’re in is colder than it ought to be, Cosy will detect this and tell your boiler (via the Cosy Switch) to fire so that the room heats up to the required temperature again.
Hope this helps explain things? If you have any more questions about our Cosy smart thermostat, our support team (email: cservices@geotogether.com) will be able to help. Thanks 🙂 Michelle
Posted by: Michelle Harrison on 26 September 2016 at 2:28 pm