Entering the world of podcasts…..

Entering the world of podcasts…..

I don’t know about you, but I got so fed up with the Today programme on Radio 4 that I have switched it off. I find there has been an overkill of some subjects – especially Brexit, with aggressive questioning often designed to generate their own headlines and a superior attitude, all of which combines to make a bad listening experience.

Instead I have discovered the world of Podcasts: there is so much variety, information and stimulation available. I now arrive at work invigorated rather than frustrated!

So it came to me that we, geo, should join in and add our own contribution to the world of podcasts.  Our first podcast introduces the all-electric Hybrid Home: simple and affordable living. It is part of a series on the Internet of Energy, energy in our homes and how we as the consumer, can enjoy many more benefits from a new smart, flexible energy system.

As this is our first one we anticipate a curve of continuous improvements in the future, but it’s not a bad start! 

Have you thought of a topic you would like us to cover, or would you like to be featured in a future podcast? If so get in touch with Vicky Jones our Marketing Manager vicky.jones@geotogether.com.

We look forward to sharing the next release with you soon….!