Meet Cosy 3, our coolest smart heating release

Meet Cosy 3, our coolest smart heating release

Extra Cosy features: hot water and twin-zone heating control

Well, we’re very glad you asked! Allow us to introduce our exciting, new Cosy hot water and twin zone heating control features.

What’s more, you don’t need to change your existing Cosy to take advantage of these brand new add-ons – all you need do is buy one of the following extension packs. Easy peasy!

Cosy + hot water control

Our new Cosy Hot Water Extension Pack lets you take control of your hot water in the same way you control your heating. Once installed, you can schedule your hot water to switch on or off from your app in the same way as for your heating.

You can also turn your hot water tank on/off (from your app or Cosy display) as and when it suits you and your family.

Is Cosy hot water for me?

If you have a hot water tank (i.e. not a combi boiler) then the Cosy Hot Water Pack is a smart choice.

How do I get my hands on Cosy hot water?

To get hot water control, all you need do is get yourself one of these here Cosy Hot Water Switches. What’s more, when you buy your Cosy Hot Water Extension Pack from our web store, you can choose a date that suits you best to have it installed by one of our friendly installers.

Don’t have Cosy already?

Never fear. Mosey on over to our web store where we now offer Cosy (choose from single zone or twin zone heating) with hot water control as a package. Oh and did we mention, installation is included? Phew!

Cosy + twin-zone heating control

Thanks to Cosy twin-zone heating, you can now set different temperatures for the separate zones in your home – meaning you can keep Cosy in the bedroom, whilst Dexter your cat stays Comfy in the living room.

Is Cosy twin zone for me?

If you have more than one heating zone in your home, then Cosy twin zone heating is the one for you.

How do I get my hands on Cosy twin zone?

You’ll need an extra Cosy Display (so that you can have a Cosy thermostat in each heating area) to make the most of this twin-zone heating feature. Choose a Cosy Display to match your individual style and home decor – take your pick from our white, limited edition black acrylic or limited edition wood Cosy Displays.

Don’t have Cosy already?

Not to worry. Head over to our web store where we now offer Cosy with twin-zone heating control as a package – with installation included too!

We hope you’re as excited about these new Cosy updates as we are! Please take a look at the Cosy smart thermostat section of our web store for more info on how to upgrade your Cosy for twin-zone heating and hot water control. And if you have any more questions, please get in touch with us. We’d be very happy to help.