Happy Birthday Cosy! Our smart thermostat turns three years old

Happy Birthday Cosy! Our smart thermostat turns three years old

Rewind to 2014

This is the year Cosy was born. We launched our Cosy R1 funding campaign on Kickstarter in March 2014. We had an idea, a prototype that we’d tested in people’s homes and a whole host of supportive backers. One month later we managed to hit our £20K target – raising enough money to produce Cosy on a larger scale. Hurrah!

Then in 2015

We revamped the look of Cosy and began testing, testing (one, two, Cosy) our new twin zone and hot water features. This year also saw us begin selling Cosy via our web store.

Along came 2016

In 2016 we introduced twin-zone and hot water control for Cosy. We also updated our web app to include temperature graphs. Heads up! These are coming soon to the mobile app too.

Drum roll please…

We have some exciting new developments in store for Cosy this year. We’re very pleased to announce (especially as we know many of our Cosy fans have been asking about this…) that Cosy is coming to Alexa! This means that soon you’ll be able to control your heating system with Cosy using just your voice.

Our tech team are busy working away to integrate Cosy with Amazon’s Alexa and we’re aiming to launch this Cosy Skill within the next couple of months. Be sure to follow us on Facebook and Twitter to be the first to hear more news on this.

Finally, As Cosy turns three we’d just like to say a big “thank you” for all your support along the way. We hope that you’re as excited about these new features as we are. And if you’d like to find even more info about how Cosy came into being, check out this blog post.