geo to highlight the value of data at Smart Home World

geo to highlight the value of data at Smart Home World

geo, will be taking part in Smart Home World, the conference and exhibition that brings together influencers dedicated to adding value in the connected home market. The event, which takes place on June 21st and 22nd at The Crystal in London, will provide a forum for geo to focus on one of the key issues in the smart home: realising the value of data.

geo’s Chief Data Officer, Rik Temmink, will take to the conference floor at 15:00 on the 21st June. His presentation will span a range of issues from providing an easy-to-use end-to-end service, the creation of new business models and driving efficiency, through to understanding the importance of security and data protection and how smart home data can be applied in home insurance and assisted living scenarios.

We will also be exhibiting, and will have the team on hand to discuss our full range of smart products and services designed to help consumers see, control and automate home energy.

For more info on Smart Home World and to register for the event, take a look at the official event website.