Consumer Trial Agreement 2024

Thank you for your interest in participating in the SeeZero trial.

As with any product trial or initiative, you will be asked to agree to several conditions before participating. This is a summary of the main terms you’ll be agreeing to:

  • GEO anticipates that the initiative will be active for a maximum period of 12 months from the delivery of the product to you, but it may go on longer than this. We will keep you updated during the initiative with regards timings.
  • You are not a member of the media.
  • You won’t disclose to or discuss with any third party, in particular members of the media or public newsgroups, any information related to this trial or your participation in it.
  • You will reasonably respond in a timely manner to GEO’s requests for feedback – such requirements are set out below.
  • You allow GEO to freely use the feedback and suggestions you provide.

Please read through the following details and sign below if you agree to these terms and conditions. This will create a binding agreement.

Trial Information

geo is preparing to launch SeeZero to the mass market. Before we do, we need to get feedback from potential users.

We’re seeking trialists who would be prepared to receive a free of charge SeeZero home energy management system in return for providing geo with the feedback as detailed below. Some trialists may also be provided with a SeeZero smart thermostat.

You will need you to ensure that your SeeZero display is always connected to your Wi-Fi during the trial so that we can receive the trial data. The trial data may include your home’s energy, temperature and humidity levels as well as your heating settings and schedules.

If you are one of the trialists who is given a SeeZero smart thermostat, you will also need to ensure that you follow any guidance given on the positioning of the thermostat.

Feedback Requirements from Trialists

GEO will be in contact with you to arrange the following:

  1. A questionnaire relating to your use, installation and set-up of the product;
  2. A usage diary prepared by you containing details of your daily use of the products during the course of the trial; and
  3. An interview which may be conducted in person at your home or via a video conference, GEO will confirm, this interview may take up to one hour;
  4. Answering general usage questions from geo;

Please submit such feedback information to us as soon as possible via email or as otherwise directed by GEO.

Please read the details below carefully.

  1. Confidentiality. As a participant, you may receive from GEO hardware, software, cloud services, documentation, or other materials as more fully detailed in Schedule 1 (“GEO Materials”). You agree to keep confidential and not disclose to or discuss with any third-party: a) GEO Materials, b) GEO development or marketing plans that you learn about as part of your participation, c) your participation in the initiative, and d) verbal or written communications from GEO employees or other representatives regarding GEO Materials.
  2. No Conflicting Loyalty. You confirm that neither you nor any household member is: a) a member of the media, or b) an employee or representative of any direct competitor of GEO. You confirm that the information provided in your application to be a participant is accurate.
  3. Feedback. You will provide prompt feedback to GEO upon request regarding the operation or use of GEO Materials. This may include submitting questionnaires, online reports, taking part in telephone interviews, maintaining a record of problems or errors, and responding to written surveys that may be sent to you by GEO. If an issue requires examination of hardware provided by GEO, you will return the equipment to GEO at GEO’s expense. You acknowledge and agree that GEO may use, disclose, reproduce, license, distribute and otherwise commercialise such feedback. You hereby grant to GEO all required licences in your feedback and the associated intellectual property rights to allow GEO to carry out these rights.
  4. Unsolicited Ideas. You are not required to share any new product or feature suggestions, or other ideas for new products or technologies, processes, materials, marketing plans or new product names. If you do send such suggestions and ideas, you agree that GEO may freely use, disclose, reproduce, license, distribute and otherwise commercialise such ideas and materials. You hereby grant to GEO all required licenses in your suggestions and ideas and the associated intellectual property rights to allow GEO to carry out these rights.
  5. Use of Your Comments in Marketing and PR. You agree that comments made by you in writing and submitted to GEO during the initiative may be used by GEO for marketing purposes or public relations purposes. In no event will GEO indicate in such marketing or public relations initiatives that you are an employee of, or otherwise affiliated with, GEO.
  6. Delivery & Removal of the Products.  We will arrange for the delivery of the GEO Materials to you at a time convenient for you, we will be in touch with you to discuss delivery and installation. We will work together in relation to the removal and collection of the GEO Materials at GEO’s expense if you do not wish to retain the products at the end of the trial period.

You agree not to reverse engineer, modify, decompile, create works from, or disassemble any portion of the GEO Materials. You will not transfer, sell, or gift any GEO Materials provided to you under this Agreement. You will take reasonable precautions to protect and care for the GEO Materials.

  1. Installation. In the event that there is a requirement to install the GEO Materials in the home, either you will be provided with instructions to self-install (and provided with help via our help desk if needed) or GEO will install the GEO Materials using the current standards and regulations. At the end of the trial, GEO will be responsible for either directing you how to uninstall the GEO Materials or if this is not possible, GEO will arrange the uninstalling of the GEO Materials and making good the home to no less a standard than was present prior to the installation.
  2. Registration and Cooperation (only where applicable). You will allow GEO and GEO affiliates (installers, maintenance engineers, or visitors with GEO authorisation) access to visit the trial site where GEO or GEO affiliates have given sufficient notice, typically not less than 24 hours. GEO remains responsible for the maintenance of the system throughout the duration of the trial.
  3. Privacy. As a participant in this initiative, you will be asked to share personal information with GEO such as your name, email, address, and telephone number. When you use our apps and services, additional data including app usage statistics will be collected including but not limited to energy use, context and behavioural data. GEO will manage this data according to the GEO Website and App privacy policies, which are available at:
  4. For purposes of this initiative, you agree to allow GEO, its employees or agents to contact you using the personal contact information you have provided, GEO may store or share this personal contact information with GEO employees, agents or supervised contractors in order to communicate with you. GEO may use, collect, or store information generated from your testing and use of the GEO products and materials being provided to you under this Agreement (“Usage Data”). GEO may disclose, share, redistribute, or publish such Usage Data on an aggregated and anonymous basis. The data we may collect during this trial might include:
    a) The number of bedrooms in your home;
    b) The temperature of your home;
    c) How much insulation you have and what kind;
    d) How humid your home is;
    e) How you heat your home;
    f) What type of building you have;
    g) How quickly your home loses heat;
    h) How much energy you use at home;
    i) Battery / solar use if any;
    j) Cooking fuel source;
  5. Term and Termination. At the end of the initiative, GEO may offer the option of extending the length of the initiative with you. GEO may terminate this Agreement at any time, with or without cause, by providing you with written notice of such termination, which may be via email. Your obligations with respect to GEO Materials, and Section 9 (Privacy), will survive any termination of this Agreement.
  6. Disclaimers and Limitation of Liability. Nothing in this agreement shall exclude or limit the liability of GEO for fraud or death or personal injury resulting from the negligence of or breach of this agreement.

GEO Materials are provided to you ‘as is’, without warranty of any kind, written or oral, express or implied. GEO will not be liable for any indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages, whether based on contract, tort, or any other legal basis, arising out of this agreement or your use of the geo materials. GEO shall not be liable for any additional costs in running your home which may result from the use of the GEO materials in the trial.

  1. Except for any legal responsibility that we cannot exclude in law (such as for death or personal injury) or arising under applicable laws relating to the protection of your personal information, we are not legally responsible for any:
    a) losses that were not foreseeable to you and us when the contract was formed;
    b) losses that were not caused by any breach on our part;
    c) business losses; or
    d) losses to non-consumers.
  2. General Provisions. This Agreement may be updated and amended from time to time by GEO, we will provide you with written notice of any changes via email or via the GEO website which you will be directed to at the time. This Agreement may not be assigned or transferred by you and any attempted assignment shall be null and void. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of England and Wales and constitutes the entire agreement between you and GEO relating to the initiative and will supersede any previous communication, representation, or agreement by either party, whether oral or written. In the event that any provision of this Agreement becomes or is declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be illegal, void or unenforceable, the remainder of this Agreement will continue in full force and effect. The failure of any party to require performance by the other party under the terms of this agreement shall not affect the full right to require such performance at any time thereafter; nor shall the waiver by a party of a breach of any provision be taken or held to be a waiver of the provision itself.


  1. The GEO Materials include the following:
    a) SeeZero display
    b) SeeZero smart thermostat (selected trialists only)

Prize draw

Thanks for joining the SeeZero trial community

By completing the trial feedback form and agreeing to answer some follow up questions, you could win up to £250 in Amazon Vouchers.

1.1 Names will be chosen at random from those validly entered on 10th September 2024, with £250 for first prize and £150 for the runner up.
1.2 We will notify the winner before the 30th September 2024.
1.3 Please ensure your contact details are entered correctly on the submission form.
1.4 Entries open on 1st July 2024 and close on 31st August 2024. Entries received after this time will not be entered.
1.5 There are two prizes in total as described above which are made up of Amazon vouchers. The prize is non-transferable and does not include any additional costs and expenses.
1.6 Prizes will be issued to the winners before the 30th October 2024.

2. Publicity and personal information
2.1 The promoter will use your personal information only in accordance with these terms and conditions and our privacy policy which you can view here:
2.2 The surname and county of the winner can be obtained by sending a stamped, self-addressed envelope to Green Energy Options LTD at our registered office.
2.3If you do not want your surname and county included on the list of winners referred to above, you must notify the promoter a reasonable period of time before the closing date of the promotion.
2.4 You acknowledge that you may be asked to participate in publicity if you are selected as a winner.

3. General
3.1 This promotion is operated by Green Energy Options LTD.
3.2 Entrants acknowledge that copyright in submissions will be owned by the promoter. Entrants agree to assign to the promoter all intellectual property rights in the submission with full title guarantee and to waive their moral rights.
3.3 While nothing in these terms and conditions will limit the promoter’s liability for death or personal injury caused by its negligence or for fraud, the promoter will not be legally responsible to entrants or winners for any losses that were not foreseeable to the promoter or to the entrant at the time of entry to the promotion or which are caused by a third party.
3.4 These terms and conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England and any disputes shall be subject to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the English